Currents in Electronic Literacy
Author Index
- Abbey, Kristen. "Review of Google Docs." 2007 v.10
- Agra, Lucio. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Alexander, Jonathan (et al.). "Whose Literacy is it Anyway?" 2010 v.13
- Anderson, Daniel. "Yes and Yes-and: Time in the Compshop." 2009 v.12
- Anderson, Jana (et al.). "The Point of PowerPoint in SophLit." 1999 v.1
- Andrews, Jim. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Barnard, Mimi (et al.). "The Point of PowerPoint in SophLit." 1999 v.1
- Barndollar, David. "The Waste Land In, Not of, the MOO." 2004 v.8
- Barness, Jessica. "Common Sounds." 2011 v.14
- Barron, Alexandra. "Collaborative Teaching in the Computer Classroom." 2002 v.6
- Benjamin, Bret. "Lessons in Value: Working Relationships in John Slatin's CWRL—An Intervew with Bret Benjamin." 2009 v.12
- Biesecker, Barbara. "Interview with Barbara Biesecker." 2012 v.15
- Bjork, Olin R. "Hell Wasn't Built in a Day: Taking the Long View on Multimedia Development." 2002 v.6
- Blaauw-Hara, Mark (et al.). "Remixing the Personal Narrative Essay: 'The Hardest and the Best Thing I Have Ever Done'." 2011 v.14
- Bloom, Emily (et al.). "Auralacy: From Plato to Podcasting and Back Again." 2011 v.14
- Brady, Corey (et al.). "Hypertext and Literary Learning: A Discussion of the Dictionary of Sensibility." 1999 v.1
- Brown, James J. Jr. "In Between Lauding and Deriding: A Pedagogical Review of MySpace." 2007 v.10
- ---. "Response: (Re) Make it New." 2008 v.11
- ---. "From Activism to Occupation." 2013 v.16
- Brueggemann, Brenda Jo. "Hearing, with Aids." 2001 v.4
- Bump, Jerome. "Left vs. Right Side of the Brain: Hypermedia and the New Puritanism." 1999 v.2
- ---. "Book Review: Janet Ward Schofield. Computers and Classroom Culture." 2000 v.3
- ---. "Teaching English in Second Life." 2007 v.10
- Burdette, Will. "Noise From the Street: Introducing, Interviewing, Amateuring - Interview with DJ Spooky." 2011 v.14
- Carter, Geoffrey V. "inter.Virtual.Vitalism.views: Aural Encounters with Byron Hawk, Victor Vitanza, and Alex Reid." 2011 v.14
- Ceraso, Steph (et al.). "Digital Lyrical." 2011 v.14
- Comstock, Michelle. "Writing Vicariously: The Politics of Presence in the Distance Learning Classroom." 2004 v.8
- Coverley, M.D. "The Mirror of Simple Annihilated Souls." 2001 v.5
- ---. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- ---. "The White Wall: Reframing the Mirror." 2001 v.5
- Craft, Jason. "Book Review: Gee, James Paul. What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy." 2004 v.8
- Davis, Diane. "Introduction to 2011 Issue: Writing With Sound." 2011 v.14
- ---. "Introduction to 2012 Issue: Memories, Technologies, Rhetorics." 2012 v.15
- ---. "Introduction to 2013 Issue: Questioning Digital Activism." 2013 v.16
- de la Peña, Nonny. "Gone Gitmo: An Interview with Co-Creators Nonny de la Peña and Peggy Weil." 2010 v.13
- de Winter, Jennifer (et al.). "Computer Games Across the Curriculum: A Critical Review of an Emerging Techno-Pedagogy." 2010 v.13
- Desilets, Brendan. "Interactive Fiction vs. The Pause That Distresses: How Computer-Based Literature Interrupts the Reading Process Without Stopping the Fun." 1999 v.1
- Donohue, Lacey (et al.). "In Between Lauding and Deriding: A Pedagogical Review of MySpace." 2007 v.10
- Downs-Gamble, Margaret. "'The Meanesse of Our Witt': Jacobean Manuscript Blogging in Verse, the Case of the Somerset Scandal." 2009 v.12
- Draney, Clark L. "The Division Bell: Sounding the Differences between Teachers and Policy-Makers." 2003 v.7
- Driskill, Qwo-Li (et al.). "A Net-working Community: WIDE and the Rhetoric and Writing Graduate Program at Michigan State University." 2007 v.10
- Enns, Anthony. "Don't Believe the Hype: Rereading Michael Joyce's Afternoon and Twelve Blue." 2001 v.5
- Eyman, Doug (et al.). "A Net-working Community: WIDE and the Rhetoric and Writing Graduate Program at Michigan State University." 2007 v.10
- Feigert, Ben. "Book Review: Seymour Papert. Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas." 2000 v.3
- Fenty, Sean. "Book Review: Meadows, Mark. Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative." 2004 v.8
- Fernheimer, Janice Wendi (et al.). "Bridging the Composition Divide: Blog Pedagogy and the Potential for Agonistic Classrooms." 2005 v.9
- Fitzpatrick, Katherin (et al.). "Rethinking Usability for Web 2.0 and Beyond." 2009 v12
- French, Lydia (et al.). "Auralacy: From Plato to Podcasting and Back Again." 2011 v.14
- Ghosh, Shreelina. "Sculptures and Avatars: Mediating of the Memory of Odissi Dance." 2012 v.15
- Glazier, Loss Pequeño. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Griffin, Daniel (et al.). "Computer Games Across the Curriculum: A Critical Review of an Emerging Techno-Pedagogy." 2010 v.13
- Gunn, Josh. "Interview with Josh Gunn." 2012 v.15
- Haas, Angela (et al.). "A Net-working Community: WIDE and the Rhetoric and Writing Graduate Program at Michigan State University." 2007 v.10
- Hart-Davidson, Bill (et al.). "A Net-working Community: WIDE and the Rhetoric and Writing Graduate Program at Michigan State University." 2007 v.10
- Hawk, Byron (et al.). "'Digimortal': Sound in a World of Posthumanity." 2011 v.14
- Hay, Richard C. "Virtual Conversations: The Use of Internet-based Synchronous Chat in Basic Writing." 2003 v.7
- Haynes, Cynthia. "Thinking Across the Neck: Playing Slide with Fret/work Blues." 2011 v.14
- ---. "Introduction to 2010 Issue: Gaming Across the Curriculum." 2010 v.13
- Heintz, Kurt. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Hernandez, Lisa Justine. "Bridging Difference: John Slatin Changed Everything." 2009 v.12
- Hoag, Trevor. "A Building that Recalls: Memory, Housing, and Politics of Living On." 2012 v.15
- ---. "Interview with Barbara Biesecker." 2012 v.15
- ---. "Interview with Rita Raley." 2013 v.15
- ---, (et al.). "The Avatar That Therefore I am (Following)." 2010 v.13
- Holmevik, Jan (et al.). "Introduction to 2010 Issue: Gaming Across the Curriculum." 2010 v.13
- Humphrey, Theodore C. "Literature On-Line: The Best of All Possible Worlds?" 1999 v.1
- Jesson, Jamie (et al.). "Podcasting in the Rhetoric Classroom." 2007 v.10
- Johnson-Eilola, Johndan (et al.). "Commons-Based Pedagogies and the Social Turn in Technical Communication." 2008 v.11
- Jones, John. "Networked Activism, Hybrid Structures, and Networked Power." 2013 v.16
- Kendall, Aimee (et al.). "Virtual Spaces, Actual Practices: MOO Pedagogy in the CWRL." 2002 v.6
- Kendall, Robert. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Keramidas, Kimon. "What Games Have to Teach Us about Teaching and Learning: Game Design as a Model for Course and Curricular Development." 2010 v.13
- King, Matt. "Procedural Rhetorics - Rhetoric's Procedures: Rhetorical Peaks and What It Means to Win the Game." 2010 v.13
- Kramarsky, Laura. "Herbert in Hypertext: Using a Computer for Literary Analysis." 1999 v.2
- Kreuter, Nate. "Book Review: Richard A. Lanham. The Economics of Attention: Style and Substance in the Age of Information." 2007 v.10
- Larsen, Deena. "A Quick Buzz around the Universe of Electronic Poetry." 2001 v.5
- ---. "Sea Whispers." 2001 v.5
- ---. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- ---. "What You See is not What I See." 2001 v.5
- Lawless, Matt. "Navigating the Slippery Slope: A Spatial Approach to Law in Virtual Worlds." 2004 v.8
- Leslie, Chris. "Book Review: Johnson, Steven. Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software." 2004 v.8
- Lessig, Lawrence. "The Commons, Corruption, and the Next Ten Years: An Interview with Lawrence Lessig." 2008 v.11
- Lieberman, Max. "Four Ways to Teach with Video Games." 2010 v.13
- Liu, Alan. "Literature+." 2008 v.11
- Losh, Elizabeth (et al.). "Whose Literacy is it Anyway?" 2010 v.13
- Lowe, Charles. "Speech Recognition: Sci-Fi or Composition?" 2001 v.4
- Lueck, Amy. "Writing Without Sound: Language Politics in Closed Captioning." 2011 v.14
- Marsh, Bill. "Reading Time: For a Poetics of Hypermedia Writing." 2001 v.5
- Mason, Eric. "Remediating the Magic Kingdom: Notes Toward a Poetics of Technology." 2004 v.8
- May, Cedrick. "Video Production and Distribution for the Composition and Literature Classroom." 2008 v.11
- McAllister, Ken S. (et al.). "Computer Games Across the Curriculum: A Critical Review of an Emerging Techno-Pedagogy." 2010 v.13
- McCarthy, Sean. "Interview with Josh Gunn." 2012 v.15
- McCleary, Leland. "Technologies of Language and the Embodied History of the Deaf." 2001 v.4
- McClure, Randall (et al.). "Making Space: A Review of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing." 2007 v.10
- McCorkle, Ben. "Book Review: Gillmor, Dan. We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the people, for the people." 2005 v.9
- Melzer, Dan. "Constructivism Online: A Survey Of Freshman Writing Distance Learning Courses."
- Mez (Mary-Anne Breeze). "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Miles, Adrian. "Realism and a General Economy of the Link." 2001 v.5
- Miller, Paul (aka DJ Spooky). "Noise From the Street: Introducing, Interviewing, Amateuring - Interview with DJ Spooky." 2011 v.14
- Miller, Shawn. "Book Review: Selber, Stuart A. Multiliteracies for a Digital Age." 2005 v.9
- Millner, Mike (et al.). "Hypertext and Literary Learning: A Discussion of the Dictionary of Sensibility." 1999 v.1
- Mitric, Ana (et al.). "Hypertext and Literary Learning: A Discussion of the Dictionary of Sensibility." 1999 v.1
- Moeller, Ryan M. (et al.). "Computer Games Across the Curriculum: A Critical Review of an Emerging Techno-Pedagogy." 2010 v.13
- Morton, Keith. "Machinima-to-Learn: From Salvation to Intervention." 2010 v.13
- Nelson, Scott. "Interview with Alex Reid." 2012 v.15
- Norman, Doug (et al.). "Virtual Spaces, Actual Practices: MOO Pedagogy in the CWRL." 2002 v.6
- Nuss, Melynda. "Book Review: The Nearness of You: Students and Teachers Writing Online. Ed. Christopher Edgar and Susan Nelson Wood." 2000 v.3
- Overby, Mikkel Lucas. "Serious Games Interactive Interview." 2010 v.13
- Payne, Matthew. "The Digital Divide and its Discontents." 2005 v.9
- Penuel, Suzanne. "Book Review: Don Tapscott. Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation." 2000 v.3
- Portman-Daley, Joannah. "Subtle Democracy: Public Pedagogy and Social Media." 2013 v.16
- Putman, Kevin (et al.). "Remixing the Personal Narrative Essay: 'The Hardest and the Best Thing I Have Ever Done'." 2011 v.14
- Reed, Scott. "Stings and Scalpels: Emotional Rhetorics Meet Videogame Aesthetics." 2010 v.13
- Reid, Alex. "Interview with Alex Reid." 2012 v.15
- Rice, Jenny Edbauer. "Inquiry as Telos." 2011 v. 14
- Ronell, Avital. "Nietzsche was a DJ." 2011 v.14
- Rouzie, Albert (et al.). "A Sustainable Culture: John Slatin's Ludic Pedagogy." 2009 v.12
- Ruggill, Judd Ethan (et al.). "Computer Games Across the Curriculum: A Critical Review of an Emerging Techno-Pedagogy." 2010 v.13
- Rumbarger, Lee. "Playing Doctors, Playing Patients: Multi-user Domains and the 'Teaching' of Illness." 2002 v.6
- Sanford, Christy Sheffield. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Schacht, Miriam. "Converting to the Computer Classroom: Technology, Anxiety, and Web-based Autobiography Assignments." 2002 v.6
- Schell, Tekla (et al.). "The Avatar That Therefore I am (Following)." 2010 v.13
- Schicke, Joe. "An Autoethnography of Sound: Local Music Culture in Colorado." 2011 v.14
- Scholes, Robert. "The Modernist Journals Project." 2008 v.11
- Schreibman, Susan. "Crritics and Receptionists: Students as Knowledge Providers." 1999 v.1
- Selber, Stuart A. (et al.). "Commons-Based Pedagogies and the Social Turn in Technical Communication." 2008 v.11
- Siegel, Daniel (et al.). "Hypertext and Literary Learning: A Discussion of the Dictionary of Sensibility." 1999 v.1
- Sirc, Geoffrey (et al.). "Digital Lyrical." 2011 v.14
- Slatin, Anna. "Anna Slatin Interview." 2009 v.12
- Slatin, John. "The Distance in Distance Learning." 2000 v.3
- ---. "Equivalent Alternatives? Electronic Poetry and Readers with Disabilities." 2001 v.5
- ---. "The Imagination Gap: Making Web-based Instructional Resources Accessible to Students and Colleagues with Disabilities." 2002 v.6
- Smith, Christian (et al.). "'Digimortal': Sound in a World of Posthumanity." 2011 v.14
- Spinuzzi, Clay. "Towards a Hermeneutic Understanding of Programming Languages." 2002 v.6
- ---. "More than One, Less than Many: A Review of Three 'Post-ANT' Books." 2003 v.7
- ---. "Collaboration for Keiretsu: A Review of Google Docs." 2007 v.10
- Starbuck, Honoria. "honoria in ciberspazio: the first internet opera." 2009 v.12
- Stasi, Mafalda. "The Challenge of Implementing Organizational Learning and What Organizations Can Learn from It." 2009 v.12
- Stedman, Kyle. "How Music Speaks: In the Background, In the Remix, In the City." 2011 v.14
- Strasser, Reiner. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Strickland, Stephanie. "Survey Response: 'E-poets on the State of their Electronic Art'." 2001 v.5
- Sundeen, Jim. "Speaking to/through the Operating System: The Personal Computer as a Foucaultian Control Mechanism." 2003 v.7
- Swift, Jeffrey. "Resisting the Robust: the Internet Defense League and the Potential of Networked Kairos." 2013 v.16
- Swiss, Thomas. "Talking About the Web." 1999 v.2
- Syverson, M.A. "Role-playing Simulations Improve Writing." 2002 v.6
- Szlyk, Marianne. "Book Review: Monroe, Barbara. Crossing the Digital Divide: Race, Writing, and Technology in the Classroom." 2005 v.9
- Tesdell, Lee (et al.). "Making Space: A Review of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing." 2007 v.10
- Tremel, Justin. "The Commons, Corruption, and the Next Ten Years: An Interview with Lawrence Lessig." 2008 v.11
- ---. "Podcasting in the Rhetoric Classroom." 2007 v.10
- VanKooten, Crystal. "A New Composition, a 21st Century Pedagogy, and the Rhetoric of Music." 2011 v.14
- Vivian, Bradford. "Deletion and Damnatio Memoriae: Theses on the Eventfulness of Forgetting." 2012 v.15
- Waggoner, Zachary. "Life in Morrowind: Identity, Video Games, and First-Year Composition." 2010 v.13
- Wakefield, Sarah R. "Comparing Traditional and Computer-assisted Composition Classrooms." 2002 v.6
- Watkins, Ray (et al.). "A Sustainable Culture: John Slatin's Ludic Pedagogy." 2009 v.12
- Weil, Peggy. "Gone Gitmo: An Interview with Co-Creators Nonny de la Peña and Peggy Weil." 2010 v.13
- Willerton, Chris (et al.). "The Point of PowerPoint in SophLit." 1999 v.1
- Wolff, Bill. "Reading the Rhetoric of Web Pages: Rethinking the Goals of Student Research in the Computer Classroom." 2003 v.7
- Wolff, William I. (et al.). "Rethinking Usability for Web 2.0 and Beyond." 2009 v.12
- Youssef, Rene (et al.). "Rethinking Usability for Web 2.0 and Beyond." 2009 v.12