- When I checked the "computer-assisted
classroom" box on the teaching request form, I didn't really
have any conception of what teaching in a computer classroom
meant; it just seemed like something I might like to know how
to do. Four months later, as the semester began and I tried
frantically to learn the various technologies available to me
in my classroom, it no longer seemed like such a great idea.
How the heck was I ever going to learn how to use all of the
new programs and technology myself, let alone become familiar
enough with them to teach them to someone else? And even if
I managed to gain that kind of familiarity, how in the world
could I teach this stuff without compromising the course's focus
on representations
of Native Americans in popular culture?
- These two anxieties are by no means unique
among teachers. I have heard similar concerns about computers
in the classroom from many of my colleagues. And the questions
behind them are vital: How do you teach something you've only
just learned? And, more importantly, how do you balance content
with technology?
- For the
first weeks of the semester, I deftly handled my anxieties by
ignoring the computers in my classroom almost entirely. This
is not a course of action I would recommend, and I did eventually
decide that it wasn't the way I wanted to use the computer classroom.
But I still didn't quite know how I wanted to use the technology
available to me.
- I tried
for some time to come up with an assignment that allowed students
to learn more about the course topic through technology, or
to use technology to express their knowledge in new ways. I
had originally planned a traditional essay for the final course
project, but in class, I told my students that the format of
this assignment was negotiable and asked them if they wanted
to incorporate web-based technologies, and if so, how?
- One of
them wrote me the following e-mail: "We have learned a
lot since August, and if we could somehow sum up how our feelings
towards the portrayal of Native Americans has changed since
then, and express that to those who view our Web pages, I think
that would be terrific."
- I thought
that would be terrific too--a way to combine Web design and
course content, and also provide a type of learning record for
the students in my class. And so I asked students to design
an autobiographical Web site that narrated what they had learned
in the course. This not only linked the assignment closely to
our topic but also had the added bonus of asking students to
engage with the entire body of learning they had been exposed
to in the class rather than just some small part of it. Because
I had no examples of what the result of this assignment might
look like, I tried to make the assignment
Web page itself a partial model of how their assignments
might appear.
- So far,
so good, but I still had to teach my students how to create
a Web page. I preferred coding to Dreamweaver when doing my
own Web pages, but I wasn't convinced that I could explain HTML
in a way that would make sense to all my students. With the
wide variation in computer literacy among students--one had
already created his own Web page, for instance, and one didn't
even known how to open a program--it seemed key to explain everything
in a way that would get even the most computer-phobic student
involved. For that reason, I opted for Dreamweaver. It's similar
enough to a word-processing program to be very easy to learn,
but it's complex enough that the quick learners or those with
more experience can find a lot with which to experiment.
- CWRL Assistant
Director Todd Onderdonk's handout
on Dreamweaver (which I've put online in a slightly revised
form) provided an invaluable step-by-step guide to teaching
the program and fit perfectly into an hour-and-fifteen-minute
class period. And, to my surprise, my relative lack of expertise
with the program was pedagogically quite useful. When a dismayed
student asked, "You mean we have to do a Web page? But
I don't know how to do a Web page!" I told her I knew exactly
how she felt--that's how I'd felt at the beginning of the semester
too. The fact that I was a beginner helped them feel considerably
more at ease.
- The assignment
itself turned out to be one of the most rewarding ones I've
taught, for a variety of reasons:
- One
of the most important aspects of this assignment was that
it reinforced students' analytic skills, and especially
the application of these skills to daily life. The autobiographical
format of the assignment compelled students to turn a critical
eye to their own lives and development, with some
really interesting results (see below for other examples
of student projects).
developed a sense of intellectual authorship and pride
that was key to their development as scholars and writers.
Several of them wanted to know as soon as the Web pages
went online, so that they could tell friends and family
where to find them, and their overall attachment
and commitment to what they created went far beyond
what I had seen in previous composition classes or experienced
with previous assignments.
- The
issue of audience also helped improve the quality of their
writing. Knowing that what they were writing would be available
to their peers and anyone else on the Web, they were far
more aware of having an audience with this assignment than
they were with the semester's other, paper-based assignments,
and they spent more time making sure they would not disappoint
that audience.
- Presumably
because of their awareness of audience, the overall quality
of the writing was good to excellent. Students spent more
time on their Web pages than they had on their essays during
the semester.
- The
Web assignment was also a different kind of writing than
that with which they were familiar; their relative lack
of preconceptions about the medium helped them work more
- Finally,
the assignment provided a kind of quality control for me--I
learned first-hand what students felt they'd learned in
my class, and this allowed me to see whether the course
was working the way I had planned it.
- In the
end, both my students and I not only profited from but actually
enjoyed the assignment. And while the topic of my course--representations
of American Indians in popular culture--is perhaps particularly
well suited to such an assignment, a similar project would work
in most classes. For example, an autobiographical account of
a student's development as a writer or as a critical thinker
could work in a number of courses. The key to the assignment's
success is not only to have students learn how to design a Web
page but also for students to use the critical thinking and
reading skills they've learned in class when they examine their
own lives.
- Some other
sample student assignments:
Black, Angela
Centeno, Luke
Fuszard, Ryan
Parker, Austin
Powers (yes, that really is his name), Lauren
cite this article as
Currents in Electronic Literacy
Spring 2002 (6),