- Composition teachers--and theorists--have recently
begun to turn to post-process theory to discuss how
people communicate (Kent, Post-Process). In a nutshell,
post-process theory postulates that language is not inherently
systematic and cannot be taught or analyzed as a system. That's
quite an about-face for composition pedagogy, in which one theory
after another has laid out a systemic understanding of communication.
For instance, composition teachers in the early half of the
twentieth century taught a rather rigid system of grammar and
syntax that James Berlin later labeled "current-traditional
rhetoric." In the 1980s, sociocognitivists began to discuss
language in terms of a system of processes and schema. And later
in that decade, social constructionists theorized a system of
social language conventions that included not only syntax and
grammar, but also expressions, tropes, and other characteristics
of languages used by particular discourse communities. These
theories of communication, although they differed radically
from one another, are all rooted in the notion that language
is inherently systemic. Post-process theory questions this notion,
and thus questions how rhetoric has been taught since Aristotle.
- But in this article, I'm less concerned with
how rhetoric has been taught than I am in how a post-process
theory of rhetoric can be applied to other domains. Here, I
discuss one post-process theory, paralogic rhetoric,
as it is portrayed in Thomas Kent's 1993 book of the same name.
Kent, drawing heavily from analytic philosopher Donald Davidson,
argues systemic understandings of language can explain part
but not all of communicative interaction. Communication, he
says, is not logical but paralogic, that is, "beyond
system" (to borrow the title of one of Kent's articles). Kent
and Davidson argue this point through numerous thought experiments
involving malapropisms, neologisms, slang, ambiguities, and
similar language phenomena. (Some of these thought experiments
will be discussed later in the article.) And in these thought
experiments, one recurring trope is that of an interpreting
machine, a hypothetical automaton or program that is "set
to grind out the meaning of an arbitrary utterance" (Davidson
445). Kent and Davidson demonstrate in their thought experiments
that such a machine or system ultimately cannot account for
the sorts of hermeneutic interactions we take for granted. Certainly
machines can process syntax, if by that we mean that
they can follow a tightly bounded set of instructions; but people
communicate, and in a way that cannot be explained
by such a codified process. The quotes on the left side of Figure
1 offer a couple of samples of this trope.
- On the right side of Figure 1 is an entirely
different type of quote--the sort of text that Kent and Davidson
explicitly disallow from their discussion. This is a chunk of
programming code written in the computer language called C.
In fact, it's from the kernel of the Linux operating system
that you may have heard about. And it's utterly systematic.
That is, once a programmer writes code, she uses a program called
a compiler to convert it into machine code that the computer
can run. The compiler processes the code by converting the tightly
controlled, systematically defined syntax and vocabulary into
a set of bits. The compiler does not interpret the code in any
meaningful sense any more than a combination lock interprets
the combination that one keys into it. The combination simply
moves some tumblers in a particular sequence; the code simply
sends a set of simple instructions to the computer's microprocessor
in a particular sequence. On the face of it, there seems to
be no real connection between this code on the right side of
the screen and the paralogic rhetoric described on the left.
Paralogic Rhetoric
"[W]e have discovered no learnable common
core of consistent behavior, no shared grammar or rules,
no portable interpreting machine set to grind out the
meaning of an arbitrary utterance." (Davidson 445)
"Clearly, we can talk about regulative
sign systems in the sense that we share rulelike conventions
of language in order to communicate, but the ability
to generate these marks and noises should not be confused
with the ability to communicate with other language
users. Machines, for example, can be programmed to generate
words and sentences, but machines cannot triangulate;
they cannot, in other words, communicate. . . . From
an externalist point of view, to say that machines cannot
communicate is simply to say that communication is more
than just wiring and that no model of cognitive processes
or brain function can duplicate the complex relation
that exists between language and human social life."
(Kent, Paralogic158)
Programming Code
asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int which, int who) { struct task_struct *p; long retval = -ESRCH;
if (which > 2 || which < 0) return -EINVAL;
read_lock(&tasklist_lock); for_each_task (p) { long niceval; if (!proc_sel(p, which, who)) continue; niceval = 20 - p->nice; if (niceval > retval) retval = niceval; } read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
return retval; }
Fig. 1.
Paralogic rhetoric opposes system; programming code seems to
embody it.
- But there is a connection. What is not understood
by most of us outside of computer science--and forgotten even
by many inside that discipline--is that this code is not actually
for the machine's use. It's a collaborative tool meant to help
programmers share and review their work with others. Although
the computer does not interpret this code, programmers do. Indeed,
there has been considerable study of how programmers comprehend
code, and that literature has startling parallels with the tenets
of paralogic rhetoric laid out in Paralogic Rhetoric.
Furthermore, this literature does something that Kent, Davidson,
and others in the humanities have not done: it has gone beyond
thought experiments to support its points with empirical studies.
- In this paper, I explore some of these parallels,
matching some of Kent's tenets with similar tenets outlined
in a seminal paper that Ruven Brooks wrote in 1983, ten years
before Kent published Paralogic Rhetoric. I briefly
review some of the empirical studies that have supported Brooks'
points. Finally, I discuss some of the differences between Kent's
and Brooks' ideas and talk about the implications for paralogic
Hermeneutic Guessing vs. Recursive
Refining of Hypotheses
- Perhaps the most distinct tenet of paralogic
rhetoric is that of hermeneutic guessing. Kent argues that linguistic
interpretation, rather than being a systematic and codifiable
process, is ultimately guesswork; we can't rely on cognitive
processes or defined syntax or discourse communities to provide
us with a surefire method of interpretation, and in fact it's
quite unlikely that the contents of the reader's thoughts will
ever be identical to those of the writer. Rather, we come to
a communicative interaction with a prior theory of what a text
might mean, and we develop on-the-spot passing theories to constantly
adjust or improve our hermeneutic guesses about what the text
means. Interpretation, then, is interactionist in that it relies
on continuous interactions or adjustments in the reader's understanding
of the text. (See the left side of Figure 2.)
- Brooks describes a very similar phenomenon.
He breaks with the assumptions of his predecessors, who saw
program comprehension as an essentially linear process that
mimics the work of the compiler. Although program comprehension
does sometimes involve this sort of stepwise examination, Brooks
argues, it usually involves a very different approach: "the
successive, top-down refinement of hypotheses about other knowledge
domains and their relationship to the executing program" (Brooks
545). These hypotheses begin, Brooks asserts, as soon as the
programmer hears the program's name, a short description of
it, or an explanation of what it is intended to do. Obviously,
none of these elements is structural or inherent in the code
itself. The programmer's hypotheses are successively, interactively
refined as the programmer reads the code, just as hermeneutic
guesses are progressively refined as the reader examines the
text. (See the right side of Figure 2.)
- The program comprehension literature since
1983 is full of evidence for Brooks' assertion. For instance,
Robertson et al. found that programmers frequently revisited
code that they had already read--or written--in order to sharpen
their hypotheses about the program. And Von Mayrhauser and Vans
found that the programmer they observed would draw on an arsenal
of hypotheses--the equivalent of prior theories--for understanding
code. Unlike a compiler, the programmer would opportunistically
abandon hypotheses that became too time-consuming, instead formulating
different ones that fit better with what he was observing in
the code.
Hermeneutic guessing; prior and passing
"[T]o get things done in the world,
we must bring into agreement or match not only our codifiable
forestructures of words, sentences, and linguistic conventions;
we must match as well our forestructures of judgment
and belief, and these forestructures never match precisely."
(Kent, Paralogic 16)
"When we guess, we shift ground linguistically
in order to convey information or decipher information,
and the guesswork that allows us to shift ground relies
on paralogical elements of language use, elements like
skill, intuition, taste, and sympathy." (Kent, Paralogic
"When we communicate, we make informed
guesses about meaning; we engage in a kind of impromptu
hermeneutic dance choreographed by our prior and passing
theories. This dance is impromptu because it cannot
be codified, systematized, or taught. Davidson is very
clear on this point: neither the prior nor the passing
theory can be predicted in advance of communicative
interaction. Consequently, neither corresponds to the
usual description of language as a shared system of
conventions relative to a conceptual scheme." (Kent,
Paralogic 87-88)
Recursive refining of hypotheses
"One view of the process of understanding
a program is that it is fundamentally bottom-up and
that the programmer begins by looking at the individual
lines of code or at groups of lines and assigning them
interpretations. The interpretations are in terms of
domains close to that of the program text, such as that
of simple algorithms. . . . While most programmers will
recall instances when they have attempted to behave
in this way, this theory asserts that this sort of inductive
behavior is only a degenerate special case of a more
powerful process. This process is based on the successive,
top-down refinement of hypotheses about other knowledge
domains and their relationship to the executing program."
(Brooks 545)
"This theory asserts that the hypothesis
generation and verification process begins with a primary
hypothesis that is generated as soon as the programmer
obtains any information about the task that the program
performs. . . . It is claimed that the primary hypothesis
is often created by the time the programmer has heard
only the name of the program or a brief desciptive phrase[.]"
(Brooks 546)
Fig. 2.
Parallels between hermeneutic guessing and the recursive refining
of hypotheses.
Triangulation vs. Constructing Domain Information
- Kent says that hermeneutic guessing works because
of triangulation, in which two language users converge on a
shared meaning by referring to a shared world. It's not enough
for language users to swap utterances because without a shared
world to which those utterances refer, the language users cannot
improve (that is, confirm or deny) their guesses. David R. Russell
gives an example of triangulation in an oft-quoted passage:
For example, a seven-month-old child who has
not yet learned her first word reaches in the direction of
a spherical object and babbles. Her parent, seeing this, puts
the object in her hands and says, "Ball! You want to play
with the ball?" Sooner or later--usually sooner--the child
learns that adults may play with her using spherical objects
and that certain sounds ("ball") and certain activities accompany
human interactions with such objects. She learns through observing
others' actions and her own that making the sound "ball" in
certain situations often produces certain effects in others.
Triangulation has been achieved--and learning. (181)
- The parent and child can converge on a meaning
here because they have a shared artifact to which they can refer,
one that they perceive similarly. Without a shared world to
which we can interactively refer, Kent argues, we cannot improve
our hermeneutic guesswork; we would simply be swapping syllables
and marks. (See the left side of Figure 3.)
- Kent, Davidson, Russell, and others who deal
with paralogic notions of language tend to rely on examples
of radical interpretation--examples in which two language users
have almost no language in common. (Davidson is fond of bringing
space aliens into his thought experiments.) Although Brooks
does not assume such a purely radical situation, he does introduce
a parallel to triangulation, one that is a vital part of his
theory and that has become very important to subsequent studies
of program comprehension. He argues that to gain more than a
strictly functional understanding of the code--to understand
the original programmer's intentions--the programmer who reads
the code must understand the domain in which the program is
intended to work, the problem it is meant to solve, and even
the hardware on which it should run. Without that understanding,
Brooks points out, the programmer will not be able to make useful
sense of the program (i.e., productively refine hypotheses)
or be able to modify the program in a satisfactory way. (See
the right side of Figure 3.)
- Empirical evidence of this point has been relatively
thin in program comprehension research, primarily because much
of that research focuses on typified low-level programming moves
or artificial problems rather than naturalistic studies of programming.
But Nanja and Cook's 1987 study suggests that Brooks' account
is sensible. In this latter study, experienced programmers who
attempted to debug a program tried to understand it as a whole--its
intent and its context--and were better prepared to identify
and debug logical errors than non-expert programmers.
"For Davidson, the intimate and seemingly
subjective knowledge that each of us possesses about
our own mind arises only through triangulation with
the other, other language users and other objects that
constitute our shared world. . . . In order to surmise
if our marks and noises create any effect in the world,
we require at least an-other language user and objects
in the world that we know we share. In order to communicate,
we need to triangulate." (Kent, Paralogic
Constructing domain and hardware information
"[T]he task of understanding a program
for a programmer becomes one of constructing, or reconstructing,
enough information about the modeling domains that the
original programmer used to bridge between the program
and executing program. For example, if the programmer
is given the task of modifying the dynamic processing
algorithm in [a] cargo rate program[,] the objects and
operations in the domain of the original algorithm must
first be learned about. Then, the programmer must find
out about how these objects and operations appear in
the particular programming language in which the program
is written. If the algorithm is sensitive to issues
of arithmetic precision, the programmer will also have
to learn about the characteristics of the hardware on
which the program will be run." (Brooks 545)
Fig. 3.
Triangulation is a well developed concept in paralogic rhetoric;
it is paralleled by Brooks' less developed concept of domain
and hardware information.
Genre vs. Beacons
- Let's return to paralogic rhetoric. To flesh
out an account of hermeneutic guessing, Kent turns to genre.
Genre is an important issue for Kent, so important that he devotes
an entire chapter of Paralogic Rhetoric to it. Genre
is an interpretive unit, not a syntactic one, and it provides
a shared prior theory for language users. For instance, someone
who writes a memo will likely adhere to the genre's conventions
by starting with the memo header; someone who reads that memo
can recognize this convention and guess that the text will in
fact be a memo. Genre is not a surefire way to synchronize prior
theories, but it does present a starting point for making, confirming
or disconfirming, and refining hermeneutic guesses. (See the
left side of Figure 4.)
- Similarly, Brooks introduces the concept of
beacons. Like a genre, a beacon is an interpretive unit, not
a syntactic one, and it provides programmers with a starting
point for developing, confirming or disconfirming, and refining
hypotheses about segments of the code. For instance, take a
look at the program code that I introduced in Figure 1. The
individual lines in this code fragment are governed by strict
syntactic rules. But there is latitude in how these instructions
are combined and sequenced. For instance, notice that we have
a LOCK statement, then a FOR statement, then an UNLOCK statement.
These don't have to be executed in this particular order, and
in fact the programmer could theoretically provide an infinite
series of LOCK statements; the compiler doesn't care. But the
particular combination here is familiar to any programmer who
is moderately experienced with file access. It gives programmers
an idea of what the original programmer's intention was and
helps them to refine their guesses about how this chunk of code
helps to meet the program's goals. (See the right side of Figure
- Beacons have been extensively studied in the
program comprehension literature, as have related concepts such
as plans, schema, kernels, and cliches. These studies suggest
that programmers segment code in similar (but not identical)
interpretive units; that the more experienced the programmers
are, the more subunits they identify; and that when researchers
deliberately obscure beacons, programmers experience poorer
comprehension and recall. In other words, programmers seem to
use beacons to improve their guesses and converge on meaning,
but beacons do not provide structural guidance that leads to
identical interpretations.
Bakhtin's notion of genre "corresponds
to an open-ended and uncodifiable strategy for hermeneutic
guessing that comes into being through triangulation,
or what Bakhtin formulates as open-ended dialogue."
(Kent, Paralogic 128)
"Because we must guess about the genre
to which an utterance belongs in order to recognize
the boundaries of an utterance and to recognize its
tenuous finality, all communicative interaction, therefore,
derives from our ability to recognize and generate genres,
for we only communicate through the utterance as genre."
(Kent, Paralogic 136)
"As we read a text, we continually try
to match our hermeneutic strategy with another's strategy,
even if the other is us. When we write something, we
attempt to match our hermeneutic strategy with the strategy
we think someone else might employ to interpret what
we write, and obviously, we may be wrong. So, in both
the reception and production of texts, we make hermeneutic
guesses about how texts should or will be interpreted.
Within this guessing game, genre constitutes the essential
interpretive element, for only through genre . . . may
we begin to formulate a hermeneutic strategy that, in
turn, will allow us to make sense of an utterance."
(Kent, Paralogic 145)
"Sets of features that typically indicate
the occurrence of certain structures or operations within
the code will be referred to as 'beacons' for that structure
or operation." (Brooks 548)
"[T]he discovery of a beacon results
in a further refinement and specification of the hypothesis
itself." (Brooks, 549)
"[T]he programmer first forms a primary
hypothesis about the overall functions performed in
the program. From this primary hypothesis, a cascade
of subsidiary hypotheses are formed until a level is
reached at which the programmer can verify the code
against beacons in the program text." (Brooks 549)
Fig. 4.
Genres have strong parallels with beacons.
Similarities and Differences
- Well - so what?
- On the plus side, the program comprehension
literature provides empirical support for concepts that so far
have been supported primarily through thought experiments. It
also allows us to get at the difference that Kent has drawn
between hermeneutic and systematic aspects of language, particularly
because the systematic aspects of computer languages are far
more regulated than those of conversational languages. Program
comprehension, in other words, presents an important testbed
for paralogic rhetoric's tenets. Finally, this comparison leads
us to see programming as another form of writing, another form
of human communication, and it gives us new avenues for cross-disciplinary
work. Such avenues are particularly interesting to rhetoricians
as we begin to do our own programming--of applications, Web
sites, databases, and other software. (See the left side of
Figure 5.)
- But we should also heed the differences between
Kent and Brooks, and thus between the two bodies of literature
they represent, because these two bodies of literature do portray
communication in quite different ways. Although I've documented
strong parallels, ultimately, Brooks and others in the program
comprehension literature still see program comprehension as
a logical rather than a paralogic phenomenon. They do reject
the older understanding of program comprehension as a linear
process, but they continue to see it as a process that can ultimately
be comprehensively modeled. (There are counterexamples in the
literature, however [see Guindon et al.; Koenemann and Robertson].)
Finally, interpretation does not go "all the way down": theoretically,
a programmer can reach a complete understanding of a given program.
So we must be cautious as we attempt to apply the program comprehension
literature to the study of writing. (The right side of Figure
5 summarizes these differences.)
Kent and Brooks: Similarities
Brooks and others studying program comprehension
have developed and empirically examined an understanding
of program comprehension and production that is--at
some points--strikingly similar to Kent's view as described
in Paralogic Rhetoric . According to Brooks'
- Program comprehension is interactive,
recursive, and involves more than simply "processing"
lines of code.
- Program comprehension necessarily
involves triangulating the intentions of the producer
and the comprehender against a shared world (including
the project domain and the machinery on which the
program will run).
- Experienced programmers draw on "beacons,"
interpretive units that signal common programming
moves. These interpretive units are not inherent in
the structure of the program and are not necessarily
algorithmic or procedural.
Kent and Brooks: Differences
However, Kent and Brooks differ on many
points. Brooks' theory of program comprehension--and
most studies in this literature--assumes the following
decidedly un-paralogic things:
- Program comprehension, although it
is more than a linear, mechanical process, is still
understood as a process that can be codified, studied,
and taught.
- Program comprehension is portrayed
as a relatively orderly, systematic process.
- Hypothesis generation does reach
an end; a programmer can theoretically understand
a program completely. Interpretation does not go all
the way down.
Fig. 5.
A summary of parallels and differences in Kent and Brooks.
Please cite this
article as Currents in Electronic Literacy Spring 2002 (6),