story of computers in the writing classroom is, in many ways, a tale of
fantastic possibilities and mundane problems. Global democracy exists
side by side with incomprehensible error messages; instant communication
comes with crumbs in the keyboards; the road to the information superhighway
is littered with unformattable disks.
can think of few books that capture the flavor of that first year of working
with technology as well as The Nearness of You, a collection
of essays compiled by Christopher Edgar and Susan Nelson Wood. In
many ways, Edgar and Wood themselves walk the line between the power of
electronic technology and its frustrations. "We felt the need to
answer the skeptics who doubt that technology really can be a positive
force in education," they write in their Preface, "The fact was, however,
that the two of us were rather skeptical ourselves"(x). The two of
them hesitate to claim that computer technology will work some sort of
educational magic -- "we did not want to reiterate the claims certain policymakers
have made -- that if schools buy computers and make students 'computer
literate,' educational standards will instantly be met and surpassed"(x)
-- and claims of social and cognitive revolution are altogether outside
their purview. Instead, the book focuses on the day to day trials
and triumphs of those "adventurous teachers" who have had "the courage
to dive in, and the widsom to see that the quality of the work was the
important thing, not the hardware and software"(x). Within that context,
they claim, technology properly used can work miracles in education by
"bringing students and teachers together, eradicating distance, [and] helping
students learn more effectively"(x).
essays that they have collected here show that the road is not always easy
or obvious, but the results are worth it. Although the book is primarily
geared towards the teaching of writing -- especially creative writing --
in the primary and secondary schools, teachers in all kinds of classrooms
can benefit from the experiences these essays describe. The book
contains some basic essays on how to use the World Wide Web, what Multi-User
Domains (MUDs, MUSHes and MOOs) are and how to use them in the classroom,
and how to avoid "netiquette" violations like flaming and SHOUTING in e-mail
messages (as well as how to avoid more serious legal problems like libel,
sexual harassment, software piracy, and intellectual property theft).
But even more advanced instructors can learn from clever games like Karen
Ferrell's "Writing Roulette" (where students switch computers to complete
each other's stories in order to learn what it takes to craft a successful
beginning, middle and end), Beverly Paeth's description of how she turned
a basic skills class into a writers' workshop, and Bill Bernhardt's savvy
group work techniques. The book provides advice for instructors with
different levels of resources as well. Although many of these essays
come out of projects that received special funding -- the Kentucky Telecommunications
Writing Project (KTWP) and the Bread Loaf Rural Teachers Network (BLRTN)
figure prominently here -- the writers are aware that not every student
has that sort of access to technology, much less to the skilled professionals
needed to make it work, and they are savvy about the politics behind getting
(or not getting) the technology and about the problems of working with
fewer computers and less knowledge than one might ideally have. The
first essay of the book, "Less is More," shows how students working in
groups with five students to a work station can actually accomplish more
than students working individually at their own computers, Beverly Paeth
describes how she undertook her own teacher training, Carol Stumpo and
Emmy Krempasky talk about the politics of the Kentucky Education Reform
Act, and Robin Lambert talks about how to set up an exchange program that
uses professional authors comment on students' work (one practical tip:
Authors should be paid.).
more than a primer of teaching tips, this book provides (as one might expect
from a group of essays that centers on creative writing instructors) a
series of stories -- narratives of initiation, narratives of struggle,
stories of getting funding and learning to load programs, and personal,
heartfelt descriptions of the results. "I first discovered how using
computers could benefit my own writing in the early 1980's," "I had been
away from education for eighteen years while I stayed home to raise two
sons,""Julie was new in our eighth grade class,""Lloyd was thrilled with
the results." Although not strictly scholarly, these experiences
give the book an unfailing air of authenticity. Lesson plans don't
always work; computers appear out of thin air at the whim of the adminstration;
correspondents don't always respond; teachers occasionally require hours
of technical support just to figure out how to open the word processing
program. All of this provides a heartening corrective to the rampant
technophilia that sometimes characterizes this field. But it also
performs a different sort of work. In some ways, this book enacts
in print the dynamic it describes online: it brings together teachers from
different backgrounds and allows them to enter into a conversation.
For the first time teacher, it provides reassurance that someone else has
gone through the same struggles and survived; for the more experienced
instructor, it provides an opportunity to see what other teachers have
tried and how it has worked.
is exactly this sort of connection that makes The Nearness of You
valuable. Although it sometimes has the feel of an internet chat
room, it has the same kind of value -- bits of useful information, accompanied
by the feeling that there is someone out there somewhere who has experienced
the same sorts of things that you are experiencing right now. The Nearness
of You is exactly what Coleridge imagined literature to be: a friend.
I would highly recommend The Nearness of You to anyone teaching
in a computer classroom for the first time, and for anyone interested in
picking up ideas on using computers creatively in the classroom.
It's not a scientific text by any stretch of the imagination, but for teachers
practicing in the field, it provides a dose of reality seasoned with optimism
and hope.
University of Texas at Austin