Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation makes the claim that
the "N-Gen"--those between 2 and 22 in 2000--is a group whose values are
best represented by the dynamism and anarchy of the Internet, and that
N-Gen values will dramatically affect the way we construct the hierarchies
of work, school, and family. N-Gen characteristics, for author Don Tapscott,
include acceptance of diversity, curiosity, assertiveness, self-reliance,
contrarianism, high self-esteem, flexibility, and high intelligence, and
Tapscott makes various predictions about how these traits will affect education
(they'll weaken the teacher's control, in a good way), the workplace (they'll
diminish the boss's authority, to the benefit of almost everyone), and
relations between the generations (N-Geners will eat older folks alive).
has aimed at a wide audience for Growing Up Digital,
though for the most part, he seems to envision his readership as technologically
inexperienced--he carefully defines terms such as "Netiquette," "bulletin
board," and "real-time." The book contains nuggets of interest for teachers,
parents, marketers, and social policy makers (mostly in the form of statistics
and factoids), but its combination of broad focus and repetition is likely
to leave each group a little dissatisfied. For example, Tapscott's chapters
on education emphasize quite convincingly the need for teachers to integrate
interactive forms of technology into their classrooms, but nowhere does
he say where non-techie teachers might go to find out how to do this--instead,
he spends more time reasserting the superiority of tech-heavy over tech-light
learning environments. These chapters are likely to annoy the educators
whom Tapscott perceives as most in need of his message: not only do they
appear to highlight Tapscott's aspirations toward visionary status at the
expense of providing concrete information to those trying to make their
classrooms more technologically interactive, but they also ignore what
many teachers know: that students sometimes like and benefit from hierarchy
in classrooms and from what Tapscott vilifies as the "broadcast" mentality
of traditional education, in which information is transmitted in a straight
line from teacher to student.
Growing Up Digital's sanguinity about student-led learning is understandable in light
of its composition. Though Tapscott does not limit the term "N-Gen" to
those who are current users and builders of the Internet, his findings
about N-Geners are based on surveys of 300 young people whom he and his
assistants contacted on the Net. These N-Geners are rather amazing--most
of them sound years more articulate, informed, and mature than their chronological
ages would lead one to expect, and a surprising percentage of the pubescent
and pre-pubescent sources Tapscott quotes do things like run their own
Web-design firms. With a sample like this, it's no surprise that Tapscott
is enthusiastic about the youngest generation. But Tapscott himself is
clearly aware at some points in the book, if not at others, that this pool
of contributors with regular Net access is not representative--the best
chapter in Growing Up Digital focuses on the "digital divide" and
the potential it has for further isolating the young economic underclass
from its more privileged cohort members. It's too bad Tapscott doesn't
pause to consider what implications the lack of universal Net access has
for the statistical significance of the cheery conclusions he comes to
earlier in the book, but Growing Up Digital is to be respected for
the insistence with which it reminds us that governments and corporations
can come together to remedy inequalities of information access, and for
marshaling evidence to show why they should.
University of Texas at Austin