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Long Description of Figure 4 (Rethinking Usability)

This image depicts RSS Feeds of a Web Page in the RSS Reader Netvibes. The figure is of a blog entry on Shakespeare. The blog is contained in a white rectangle, and the border of the blog is orange. On the orange border, there is a grey button labeled in red text that reads “show website.” An image of Shakespeare surrounded by indiscernible text composes the blog entry. Juxtaposed next to the blog entry is a view of the website in the Netvibes Reader. The border layout is the same except the grey button is labeled “Go back to the feed view.”

The content is similar to the RSS view, but it has the added content of the entire blog Website. Inside the orange border, there is a black rectangle which fits the width of the rectangle, but it only fills a ¼ of the rectangles height. In a bold lower case font the word “viz.” appears in the left corner of the black rectangle. Under “viz.,” also in white lettering, the words “rhetoric, visual culture, and pedagogy” appear in a thinner, smaller, all caps font. In the foremost right of the black rectangle, there is a close-up image of a green eye.

Directly under the black rectangle there is a small orange rectangle that fits the width of the page. This is the site navigation bar, and it has white text navigation options as well as a search option. Under the navigation bar, there is a pale orange rectangle divided into three columns by a thin vertical brown line. The center column has the picture and text that was displayed in the feed view of the Netvibes Reader. The left column contains a green tag cloud. The right column there are green hyperlinks under “blog roll” and “comments.”

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