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Subject: [webartery] Netscape 6 - whatamess! (typos corrected)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:58:46 -0800 (PST)
From: thuan tran <>

Hello folks,

The long awaited Netscape 6 is finally released (final
realease, not beta version). I just download and use
it, and the sad news comes: the dhtml in the new piece
i'm working on (still in progress) as well as other
previous ones are no longer working. Feel frustrated &
headache! Aaaaggggrrrrr...

Using NS6 to view Claire's, Margie's and Mez's pieces,
i notice that in Margie's Complexity, the flash files
often overlap the right text area. Also the mouse
trail at the intro page is disappeared. I know it
because i use both NS4.75 and NS6.0 to view your
piece, Margie.:-)

Claire's piece, as you all can guess, is not affected
by this new ridiculous NS browser since it's just a
shockwave flash file embeded in the html doc, so the
main thing that plays her movie is the plugin, not the

For Mez's piece, the scroll function sometimes works,
sometimes doesn't. It also scrolls a little faster
than that in NS4.75. Mez, i love the structure of your
piece (not scrolling vertically as usual but moving
horizontally). It makes me feel that i'm walking on a
long journey, searching for an opened end.:-)

Ted, i just try to view your Berlioz, and all the
_mouse over's_ in the piece are also dead.

What i feel about the issue of browser incompatability
is that i rather prefer to be depended on plugins (ie.
flash...) than dhtml. i mean there are still flash 1,
2 or 3 pieces viewable on the web even with flash
plugin 5. Whereas, every browser generation has its
own meaning and intention toward dhtml.



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