This page has a table with two columns: the left column has a screen shot of The Mirror of Permanence, right column explains the way that the graphic appeared as a Flash animation.

Description of The Mirror of Impermanence Graphic:   

In the original version of The Mirror of Simple Annihilated Souls (1) each of the main text pages had a Flash animation in the far left column.  Here, I have reproduced a screen shot of one moment of the animation for The Mirror of Impermanence. The Flash graphic was designed to suggest associations and connections with the controlling idea of that theme.  Also, names of one or more of the Threaded Voices appeared on the screen in the course of the animation.  In this Flash animation, you would have seen a transparent graphic of the Apollo Moon Landing Suit in its museum display.  It is layered over a moving mirror.  The Moon Landing Suit display is rendered in shades of greys, greens, blues, and whites; the mirror moving behind is in beige, gold, and white.  The morphing space suit and the shifting mirror evoke the sense of deterioration of the physical evidence of our technology.  The Moon Suit also suggests a metaphorical link with the universe and with the issue of preservation of artifacts.  Identification is in brick red.

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