

Shadows on the Glass:

I am grateful to 

N. Katherine Hayles

Claire Dinsmore

Talan Memmott

J.J. Runnion

Alan Sondheim

Reiner Strasser

Stephanie Strickland

Thuan Tran

for the opportunity to use their words.

Midi Sequence credits:
My Lady Careys Dompe Court of King Henry 8th (1525)  (R.B.Lang)

I am indebted to John Slatin and Roger Rouland for their patient editorial guidance with Mirror.  John Slatin assisted me with the accessibility aspects, phrasing, and technology.  Roger Rouland's careful and inspired reviews contributed significantly to the final text.  


M.D. Coverley (Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink, MFA)  

writes electronic hypermedia fiction - an interest in hypertext fiction and Web hypermedia that dates back to 1995, when she published "The Virtual Mausoleum," one of the early Web narratives.  Her full-length novel, Califia, is available on CD-ROM from Eastgate Systems.  Her Web novel-in-progress, The Book of Going Forth by Day is available at <>.  A collection of Web stories, Fingerprints on Digital Glass, will be available in 2002. 

Her Web short stories and essays have appeared in The Iowa Review Web, BeeHive, Cauldron & Net, The Salt River Review, Alt-X, Riding the Meridian, Salt Hill, New River, Enterzone, Aileron, Poems that Go, and frAme.

Her work has been featured at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Transcriptions Series at UC Santa Barbara, the Digital Arts Center at UCLA, and on-line at trAce (Nottingham University, UK), the Technology Platforms for the 21st Century at Brown University, in Blast 5 (Alt X), and Room Without Walls.

She curated a collection of women writing on the Web with Carolyn Guertin, "The Progressive Dinner Party" (Riding the Meridian, Spring 2000) and a survey of men in web hypermedia, "Jumpin' at the Diner" in the Fall 2000 issue of Riding the Meridian.  She has curated "Explorations," women writers in Web-specific literature which will appear in fall 2001 in The Blue Moon Review

She is founding member of the Board of Directors of the Electronic Literature Organization.  Marjorie Coverley Luesebrink lives in Newport Beach, CA, and teaches writing at Irvine Valley College.


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