Currents: An E-Journal Technologies of Language and the Embodied History of the Deaf 
by Leland McCleary
University of São Paulo 

Currents in Electronic Literacy Spring 2001 (4), <> 


    *  An embryonic version of this paper was presented at the 2nd Regional Encounter of Oral History of the Northeast, held in Salvador, Brazil, 5 September, 2000.  I wish to thank Sílvia Sabanovaite of the National Federation for the Education and Integration of the Deaf (FENEIS), in São Paulo, for the idea for an oral history which has inspired these reflexions, and José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy and the group of researchers at the Nucleus for Studies in Oral History (Neho), University of São Paulo (USP), for the invitation to develop the research, at this moment still in the planning stages, collaboratively.  I also wish to thank Diana Gonçalves Vidal, Evani Viotti, Fábio Bezerra de Brito, John Slatin, Luís Felipe Silverio Lima and Regina Maria de Souza for their careful readings and comments on earlier versions of this paper.


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